Monday, June 13, 2011

There Has to Be a First Post

I was out running/walking in the park the other day, and it occurred to me that I should start a blog. I used to write in a journal daily as part of my Al-anon recovery process and just for general good health, but I stopped for some reason. I have things to say and share. It used to be commonplace and expected for men and women to keep diaries of their everyday events and thoughts. These diaries and the letters people wrote are primary sources for research today, and they are preserved and cherished. I know that I can't write anything here that I don't want the world to know. As if people are going to find and follow me! Anyway, everything I write or work on gets back up to Carbonite's servers, wherever they are, and so I figure that the blog is the modern day equivalent of a diary.

One last thing..Why the title? Over the next few days, I hope to explain that. Mainly it's that I don't know what label to put on myself or this blog. I'll explain more tomorrow.
