I don't have a lot of time today, because I have to go pay attention to the father of my children, my first and only husband, so far. Yesterday I spent several hours assembling a photo video with music to give to my father for one of his Father's Day gifts. He's not the one to go for the home-made cards and gifts, so I wasn't sure, but he called me after dinner saying he really enjoyed it. He said, "And I'll always have it." Beautiful words coming from a 79-year-old man. I was touched.
I remember things my father said, and he has no recollection of saying these things:
"When you are between a rock and a hard place, don't move."
"The only thing you can't come back from is death."
"Success is not final."
"Always do your homework."
"The more power you have over someone, the more polite you should be to that person."
My father taught me the importance of ethical business dealings. He has walked away from lucrative business deals because they were financially fishy. He is generous and has modeled generosity for me. He values his education and made sure that I got an excellent one. He is seeing to it that my children get the same.
Just before I started college, Dad and I went for a walk on the beach, specifically because he wanted to talk to me. He said, "You're smart, and you are going to attract some weird guys. Be careful and watch out for those guys." Other than that, he never tried to interfere in my dating or marriage. He always said that my happiness came first. I'll be darned if I'm not happily married for nearly 21 years now!
Dad, I love you! I'm so glad to have you in my life, and I'm grateful for all you've taught me and given me. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to pay it forward.