Monday, November 28, 2011

One day--today

Yesterday I kept telling myself to "commit during Advent," and reminding myself how important it is to prepare, body, mind and spirit, for the coming of Christ. Since my son left for college, I don't think there has been one day when I stuck to my WW program. I have found excuse after excuse to eat the wrong things. It is time for a change, and I only have to do it today. Yesterday was a success, and today is all I have to worry about.

We got up at 3:30 am yesterday to go to the airport, and I stayed awake when we got home. I got a ton of work done! Then, it was nap time.

Maybe falling down and hurting my knee and palms on Thanksgiving isn't such a terrible thing. I can't walk or do yoga, so rest is not an option.

My grandmother had a stroke 4 years ago and is declining. She is uncomfortable and had to be taken to the hospice facility yesterday. Taking care of her has become too much for the family. I pray that her suffering ends soon.

All I have is today.